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Thursday, September 29, 2011


Konnichiwa Minna-san!


Time to splash you.

Today was interesting.

Most ppl will do the strangest, say the weirdest, and listen to the craziest things.

What makes 'em do that?

Well i just got an splash that Firefox 7 is a go! I won't update this time. Nande? Every time i update some of the new versions aren't compatible with other things which prevent me from doing certain things on Facebook.
Que sera sera.
I'm in need of finding a new anime. Something involving the supernatural, nothing cute, plenty of action, a lil shipping, and characters worth attaching myself to.
上原拓也, i cannot wait to see his new projects Mystic Topaz and Pinocchio! 
Like how cool is that huh?
 Well see you guys til next time.

Monday, September 26, 2011



I think I'm beginning to understand what blogs are for.

If i have something to say i can just say it.

Duh that's for Facebook but a little more controlled though.

Warning!! Warning!! Warning!!

I just finished the Chapter of Kuroshitsuji by Yana Toboso.

She is like so amazing.


 You are finally 13-yrs-old! Wow!

Now if only MySpace would announce it's official death and shutdown the same way they did Toonami. C'mon! Go out with a little dignity and style, something you never had before.

Surely they get the picture by now.



I seriously have to tell you this!!

Today was a mixture of emotions.

My brain was fizzing for answers.

Is it gonna rain, shine all day, blow me away, set early today???

It looked like it wanted to rain but i guess even it couldn't make up it's mind.

oh yeah... what else? well,  i decided it was time for a new blog.

Overall I'm satisfied with today's results. 

Btw...i also finalized my decision to continue my practicing my German.







